Almir Business – company profile
Almir – the smart way to Quality Management
Almir was founded in the early 1990’s and we’ve been on an amazing journey ever since. From our beginnings as a quality management and consulting company to launching the first version of our flagship QMS, Almir Live, in 2012 we’ve stayed true to our belief that there is a smart way to manage quality.

Leading provider of Consultancy and Training solutions
Over the years we have shaped Almir Business Ltd. to being a leading provider of consultancy and training solutions covering a range of business improvement activities.
No where is this represented more that in Almir Live. Our quality management and compliance software will save you time and increase your quality management projects with live data and tools that generate actionable steps.
ISO standards implementation – our Primary Focus
As a multidisciplinary management consultancy company, we have been providing solutions for 30+ years and our primary consultancy focus is ISO standards implementation including Lean Six Sigma. And, Almir serves domestic as well as international customers through on-site and off-site means of service delivery.
Quality, client satisfaction & professionalism – our Passion
We are passionate about maintaining high levels of quality, client satisfaction and professionalism. Our team specializes in providing solutions that give you a competitive edge, and contribute to the development and continued prosperity of your own business.
We owe a huge thank you to our community of customers for joining us on this journey. And, we hope that you’ll continue to be a part of our story.
Dick Whelan – Founder & Managing Director
Almir is ISO 27001 Certified
Almir Business is certified to ISO 27001 Information Security Management System. This ensures that our internal systems and client management processes are structured, controlled and providing any ongoing basis for continual review and improvement.
Professionally Qualified
Our consultants hold professional qualifications from:
- IRCA – International Register of Certificated Auditors
- CMC – registered Certified Management Consultants
- IMCA – member of the Institute of Management Consultants and Advisors.
Registered Consultancy Practice
We are a Registered Consultancy Practice with the IMCA – Institute of Management Consultants and Advisers, and are approved providers to a number of certification bodies including BSI, NQA, NSAI, Enterprise Ireland, Shannon Development, Fáilte Ireland and Local Enterprise Offices.